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How Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook

 How Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg is the founder and CEO of Facebook. He was born in 1984. His father was a dentist means his background is not related to programming. when he was a child he uses his father's computer and his father taught him how to operate and when he grown up his parents understood that he is interested in computer and his parents taught him programming by requiring a private tutor. When he learned programming and other computer operations he made his own internet means he made a network and named Zuck net. It worked like he connected the computers that existed in the home he made a small version of the internet. 

When he grew up and reached high school he made a new software. Which works in the interest of people music. In that software, he used AI which was very complicated at that time. His software identifies the mood of a person and hears the music according to that mood. Bigger companies approached him to buy that software but he doesn't sell. Many people approached him to buy his projects but he never sold his projects for money he wants to develop his software more. He made much small software like this.

After he takes admission in Havard university at 1st year he spent his time making friends but in the second year, he wanted to make a website with his friends which will be a dating website. But later they dropped this idea. But whenever they get free time they worked in making another website whose name was "FACE MESH" on that website they compare the face of people with their photos. They compare who is more attractive on that website.

When the website was launched after 4 hours it was closed because the website was only opened for the students of Havard university and students around that place. But in 4 hours more than 100 people came to the website and the server started crashing and the complaint went to the higher authorities of the university and they stoped the website Because the website was violating many rules like privacy, people started putting someone's photo in the website and started comparing.  

The authorities say to stop the project but Mark and his friends continue the project with more friends. And he wants more money and one of his friends invested money and get a share of 10% in that project. The project was not stopped they changed the name Facemash to "The Facebook" and they changed their server and make their connection separate. And they included the students near that area and the students of other universities to the website. They invested more money to make the website big and paid more money to the server for hosting.

He asked many people to invest but no one was ready. And the CEO of Washington post invested and said you make this website bigger and many others invested and they sold their website for almost 1 billion dollars but they don't. (Viacom offer facebook 1.5 billion dollars and almost accepts it) Mark left his 2nd-year studies and moved to silicon valley at their they grew more and Mark Zuckerberg become a CEO and afterwards, The Facebook was opened for everyone in the world. Anyone in the world above 13 years can join Facebook they only want a valid Email ID.

Now Mark Zuckerberg is one of the powerful men in the world. In this article, you get an idea of how Facebook was created and the computer interest of his childhood make him one of the powerful man o

f the world.
