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What is on Dark Web?(2020)

Dendera Light (electric bulb 4000 years ago)

           DENDERA LIGHT

 There is a place called Dendera in Egypt. And there

 is also a temple called Dendera Temple. The name of 

 that temple is Dendera Light Complex

 The people of Egypt made this temple for one of their 

 gods.whose name is HATHOR and this temple is one of the

 mysterious temples in Egypt

 The half part of the temple was covered with sands and 

 at 1850 this complex was completely cleaned and the sand

 were removed from that area. After cleaning the complex a

 a lot of secrets have been expelled.

 After cleaning the complex scientist founded a mysterious 

 art on the walls of the complex.

 The art was only found on the Dendera temple. The art was

 depicting Dendera light The drawing made by Egyptians shows

 how advanced they are

 If you clearly watch this picture you will see the structure 

 of a light bulb and it is 4000 years ago. After seeing this structure 

 scientists are saying that there was electricity present on the 

 ancient Egypt.

 4000 years ago ancient Egyptians got electricity from the hands of time travellers

 or from the ancient aliens who came to the earth from space and met the people of

 ancient Egypt and they thought them about the modern technologies which exists now.

 Theories are also saying that light bulb is used by the Egyptians for building pyramids

 and other structures at night. This bulb is known as a glass tube which is as like the modern

glass tube. 

 The filament insides the bulb is represented by a snake
 The socket of the bulb is represented by a lotus flower which actually exists in a modern bulb
 And there is a wire which is connected to a box from where the electricity comes from.
 And there is a human who holds a dangerous tool who represents the bulb is dangerous. And if
 someone does not use the bulb carefully they get shocked and leads to death.
There is a mystery park in Switzerland and in that park, there is an exact model of this bulb
 This image shows if the light bulb of that drawing is true how it looks.

 let's imagine 4000 years ago light bulb, electricity, technology. This shows how advanced were they.
