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What is on Dark Web?(2020)



Exorcism started and the First step was to remove that bad soul from his body. Which was very painful and he was loudly crying and shouting in a different sound. He was saying bad words and making pain to himself. He was tied in the bed if he was not tied he would kill that father and he was pushing that father and father told it was not like a 14-year-old kids push it was like an adult man. Because his push was very powerful and a 14-year-old kid doesn't have this much power. When the exorcism was going on Rolland break out a piece of his bed and attacked that father's hand and his hand cut and blood started bleeding. Through which the Exorcism stopped for a few days. When Exorcism was going on he broke the nose of the father.

Now the father told Exorcism can't be continued in the house because father thought because of this the neighbours could face many difficulties and this process could be dangerous for them. And their life may also go. So father takes the decision to shift Rolland from his house to a university church. They shifter Rolland to a room of ST.Louis university church. And the Exorcism continued. To help this priest many other priests also joined them. Because everyone knows that it is because of bad power. Among this priest, there was a young priest who seen all these things and his name was Fr.Walter.He was the witness for all those things and he lived up to the year 2005. He was ordered to write all the things going on. He was not intruded in the Exorcism process because he was very young and a not experienced priest. The whole exorcism was seen by 48 people and no one was alive now among these because it has happened many years ago. Among them who lived, at last, was Fr.Walter who was died in 2005. 

Exorcism was going for long days around 28 days and no one found any changes in him. 

That devil soul inside his body requests a paper he sounds and asks a paper and a pen. And they brought for that devil. And he wrote on that paper "I am Satan and I am Devil" within 10 days you will get the sign of this. When the Exorcism is going on none of the humans is allowed to talk with the devil. Because they're only good power is remembered and the devil is not a good power. So Fr.Vaishak don't ask the devil what sign you are going to show. After 10 days some different kinds of symbols started showing in his body that no one can understand its meaning up to now. After that, they realise exorcism will not work so they started baptism. Baptism is another kind of process which is related to exorcism itself. In this process, only positive things are remembered and the devil is not forced. The only God is remembered.

If necessary a good soul is allowed to enter the body and fight with that devil.Fr.Vaishak did this method and Rolland's condition was becoming critical and it was like the devil and the good soul was fighting each other. And after a long explosion occurs and the lights of the room exploded and after the lights were restored and the Rolland become normal. The windows of the rooms were opened and the devil goes from there and the good soul wins. It is also said that after this incident Rolland led an ordinary life and Rolland can be alive now also.

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