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What is on Dark Web?(2020)

The Great Sphinx of Giza

    The Great Sphinx of Giza

It is a structure in which its face is like human ad the rest body is like

some aliens creation not like humans. 

It is the mysterious structure of the whole of Europe. After the modern researches also

no one knows for what purpose this structure was made. It is one of the biggest structure 

in the world. Its height is 73.5 m and its lower height is 20 m.

And the unbelievable thing is it is not from partitioned or parted stones it is made from 

just a single limestone. A large limestone is carved to make this shape. And it is in the list 

of worlds largest single stone structure.

For thousands of years, the statue was under the sands and after 1900 the sands were removed 

and at that time the whole structure of the sphinx came to visible for the whole world.

scientists say that it was a beautiful statue but spending thousands of years under the sand

a lot of changes came in the statue.

With the help of ground, Radar scientist discovered that there were two chambers 

under the statue. It is like the underground of modern cities.

In 1995 the person who was cleaning this statue discovered a lot of

tunnels two of them were straight going under the statue.

What is inside the tunnel no one has seen. Scientists are researching now also to 

know what is inside these tunnels. They tried a lot of methods to search inside the

tunnels but they found some kind of power is stopping them.

The most thinking question is how ancient Egyptians made the statue without the help

of any types of equipment or animals. This proves that aliens or another some kind of powers helped 

them to build all the structures. Like modern technologies like an electric bulb which was on the 

