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10 Amazing Facts About PUBG

                                         10 Amazing Facts About PUBG

Nowadays most of the people especially teenagers are more involved in the game PUBG. Why people like to play PUBG and why people become an addict of this game. In this article, you will get full details about the game PUBG. Let's know 10 facts about PUBG.

#1. So we all know about the game but do you know who is behind mind behind PUBG. Brenden Greene is one of the developers of this game. He is an Irish game developer after reading about hunger games he gets the idea for developing PUBG. He doesn't know anything about programming but for developing the game he learned programming.

#2. You all know that the full form of PUBG is Player unknown battleground. Do you know from where did they get this name, when the developer of PUBG Brenden Greene played this game for the first time his name on the game was player unknown?

#3. Do you know PUBG is the most played game in the world? On 2017 December there were 3,106,358 players were playing this game at the same time. But on September 2019 game broke their own record. Now at present PUBG is the top 5 most played game in the world.

#4. Erangel is the most played map in the game PUBG but do you know from where the name of this map comes from, The developer of this game Brenden Greene's daughter name is Era adding angel to the name Era the name of the map become Erangel.

#5. If you are playing this game for a while then you know about the game has bots. Who are these bots? bots are designed by AI bots are included in the game if the game players don't complete a total of 100 players. It is also said that the new players to the game are playing 99% with bots when the new players start the first match they are played mostly with these bots.

#6. Do you know when the game was first launched for PC and consoles their marketing company BLUE HOLE COMPANY doesn't spend any money for advertising they said that they no need of advertising because it has socially become a popular game

#7. Do you know PUBG MOBILE is the first game in INDIA which was commercially advertised in Indian televisions

#8. Do you know the place called POCHINKI in the Erangel map is a real place in the world and the game also includes the home of the famous writer Leo Tolstoy 

#9. Do you know if any tries to do cheating in the game PUBG the are banned for 100 years Because the developers of this game say they don't forgive a cheating

#10. PUBG game has won many awards in the world "Best multiplayer game of the year""PC game of the year" "Action game of the year" "Esport game of the year" "Trending game of the year" and many other awards.

 I think you all like this article and you have known about many new things that you didn't know before. And comment your opinion about the game PUBG.
